The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 5 July 1997


Day 96 - Morley River, Yukon

5 July 1997 (sun; obligatory rain; mileage = 64.6) -- A - We rode about 18 km to get to the Continental Divide. There was a service station there where we got yummy, fresh-baked bread. I asked a worker exactly where the Divide is and he didn't know! It seemed like there would be a definite line and you'd think that place would know. Oh well. We guessed where we thought it should be. Chris wanted to pee right on the line to see if half ran one way and half the other, but the opportunity didn't present itself. Today, we rode and broke it up with about 3 stops instead of 1 long one. It was still a long day, but we did get here fairly early. We even got to finish drying our laundry from 2 days ago before it rained. When we pulled in here, there was a girl training a dog to pull a sled. She had some milk cartons (X - crates; she was following advice in a how-to book for dog training) tied to her. Had interesting conversation with the Swiss about religion, TV, education. I just had a shower and am now killing all the flies in the tent. X - Another camper came over to chat -- in Swiss-German! I listened carefully after saying grüezi. Susan said to me later that the guy thought I was Swiss, too. I did cook a Swiss-caliber meal of potatoes and tomatoes. I'm still flattered. And April was Miguel Indurain on the hills this afternoon. Wow! We also saw a silver fox.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000