The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 4 July 1997


Day 95 - Rancheria, Yukon

4 July 1997 (sun; clouds; rain; mileage = 67.3) -- A - We managed to sleep, though it was difficult since we each had a very swollen ear and mountain ranges on our necks -- all due to fly bites. We made sure to check the tent thoroughly before going to sleep since the last night was when we got attacked. I don't think we got bitten anymore, but Chris woke up with a swollen eye. (X - My ear was so swollen that I couldn't hear the alarm right by it!) We hit the road and stopped for a snack and then for a lunch break at a park. A woman from Saskatchewan offered to make the bed in her RV so we could rest! We must have looked tired. We stayed there for quite a while talking about whether/when I should go home. It's all very confusing. I don't like the fast pace we're on, and Chris would like to go faster/further. I'm not showing my appreciation in a satisfactory manner, it seems. Actually, I'm amazed that I've made it this far and very proud. I've enjoyed seeing as much as I have. I think this is such a drastically different experience for me that sometimes I'm just stunned. But, alas, we are after a different type of experience. I would like to do more sight-seeing and go slower, but I realize this would cost more. I guess it's time for me to go home, since I'm tired of struggling so much the second half of the day. So, anyway -- we left the lunch park and saw lightning (Happy Fourth of July!) and got dumped on with rain shortly thereafter. It seemed like a really long day, even though we didn't have any nasty hills (just gradual ones). Chris' bike seems to be acting up again -- it's squeaking and his tire is bulging. We probably have one Light Whitening application left. We finally got to the camp and had blueberry pancakes -- yummy! Showers are $3 and far away, so we passed. Continental Divide tomorrow morning! X - I was also smacked rather badly in my non-swollen eye by a big bug. They're out to get me.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000