Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 3 July 1997
Day 94 - Past Watson Lake, Yukon
3 July 1997 (mileage = 1 [X only]) -- A - Even though this site is annoying
for many reasons, we all felt like we needed a rest day! Our next couple
riding days will probably be on the tough side. We're headed for the
Continental Divide and 100+ km days are needed to get to campsites. I hope
I'm up to it. I'm ready to be done with this mountain-climbing stuff. I'm
so tempted to catch the next bus and let Chris continue the adventure
alone. I really doubt he'd miss me. The big tent would be annoying for him
to deal with alone, but everything else should be doable. I don't really
want to go home, but I don't know what else to do since I'm so tired of
riding the bike so much. Our rest day sure went fast. Chris rode down the
street to check out a rumored campground, but it was not open. So we stayed
here even though it wasn't that great. It was really hot this morning, but
of course, as soon as I did laundry, the wind came up and it started
raining. The dryer was worthless, so we have wet clothes. Chris cut my hair
for me. It's very nice. The big news is the fly bites. They bite a chunk of
skin off and it leaves a huge welt with a scab (or blood pouring out).
They're quite nasty and you don't feel them doing it. It's very amazing! We
had corn on the cob for dinner and the Swiss had pancakes, per our example.
Both meals were very well liked!