The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 30 June 1997


Day 91 - Coal River, Yukon

30 June 1997 (drizzle; cloudy; mileage = 37.2) -- A - There were some people partying at the campground last night. Gee, and we thought we were in the middle of nowhere! They were playing loud country music and laughing and carrying on. Oh well. We finally got to sleep. And it rained while we were asleep -- who would've ever guessed it would do that?! We got up and went to the hot springs. That was really cool! Hot, I mean. It smelled sulphury, just as Chris remembered. We all got in, along with lots of other people. It was really neat. There were different pools of water and they were varying degrees of hot. I didn't want to leave! I think it made us all tired. Susan and Hanspeter got headaches from it. I was a little dizzy, but I'm used to HOT showers, I guess! We rode the 60 km to the campsite pretty quickly. We had some tail wind and pretty level roads. Some was dirt and some was mud, which slowed us down and got us dirty, but we still got here early. I showered right after we got the tent up and Chris cooked pancakes for dinner. Very tasty. Even the Swiss were impressed! Chris spent lots of energy on the German dictionary (and the human ones) learning some words in German. It's so interesting talking to these two. I will really miss them when we separate! Chris is off having his shower now and I'm ready to write some letters and get to sleep. X - It was VERY windy last night. We were very happy with the tent. It is great in high wind. This campsite is cheap, nice for tents, and the young guy who seems to be in charge is very nice. That's nice!
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000