The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 1 July 1997


Day 92 - Iron Creek, Yukon

1 July 1997 (cloudy; sunny! spot of rain; mileage = 58.8) -- X - HP helped me with the German for quite a while! Very nice. A - YUKON! 4,000 miles today! The pulley on Chris' bike locked up (or at least caused a problem because of being locked up) right after we left camp this morning. He discovered that the other one is locked up also, but can pivot on the screw. He was able to use LocTite and fix it well enough to ride. Boy, did we have hills today. A few really long ones and a few really steep ones, but mostly just up and down ones. We stopped at a rest spot for lunch and were wished a happy Canada Day by some people from Holland. Then we chatted with a couple from Preble County, Ohio. There was a lot of nothing but hills today! We thought we'd never get here -- I really wanted to whine! At last, we had a huge drop with not much distance left. Good sign? Not! We had an even huger climb then. It was awful. We did get here though, and it's beautiful. We had ice cream in the lodge in the screened, cool porch looking at the lake. Our campsite is right on the lake. Very nice and quite a long time without horrible mosquitoes. There was a sudden downpour to break up the sunny periods, but we hadn't had any yet today, so we were due. X - Nice rainbow!
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000