Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 26 June 1997
Day 87 - Ft. Nelson, B.C.
26 June 1997 (cool; cloudy with some rain; mileage = 42.8) -- X - I was
nervous camping there in the stark middle of major nowhere, but we were
also planning to get up early anyway. We did and we had a record take down
(20 minutes) and pull-out time (4:30 AM). It was a bleak,
scrubby-tree-ocean that we rode through. First, we saw a dog-like thing
on the road, but I'm sure an ordinary dog wouldn't be in the middle of this
Canadian wilderness 35 miles from anything. We churned out the miles
tiredly, but they were mostly flat and calm. There was even an odometer
test site and we were both under 1% error. We weren't even noticing that it
was 35 degrees F, since it made our mosquito gear a bit more tolerable
while riding. The crazy thing is that the mosis were still out! It did warm
up. We passed a gas processing place with big yellow piles of sulfur. We
then hit the next "service," a husky station with a nice campground. We
were perilously low on H2O, so this was a relief. At yesterday's Prov. Park
stop, a sign warned us to boil the H2O. Next we climbed out of a long
valley up into the town. We scoped it out and checked the visitor
center/curling rink. We then went to a restaurant and had a huge, good
breakfast. We checked some other shops and went to the main campground. HP
& Susan were there and amazed to see us at 9:00. We did ride some
heavy-duty miles! We weren't so tired then. We put up the tent and the
tarp, organized stuff. We then went to the grocery store, oddly named
Overwaitea. We bought lots of yummy food. Oh ya -- lots! $130 or so! Wow!
We came back to camp and organized, did laundry, showered (very nice!) and
finally cooked a Swiss-caliber meal. In fact, they had a very similar meal
but with ground beef burritos. I was pleased with ourselves. We chatted
with the Swiss and talked shop about equipment. HP and I compared tool
kits. Now it's time for final food organization (a big job) and some deep
sleep! I'm ready for that. A - We talked to some Texans on GoldWings with a
trailer that folded out into a tent. It was neat. They showed off all the
gizmos on their bikes.