The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 27 June 1997


Day 88 - Tetsa River, B.C.

27 June 1997 (very cool; cloudy; mileage = 61.3) -- X - Today was a text book Swiss day. A - Got up around 6:30. It had been raining -- that was a surprise! We finished our gallon of milk (mixed with chocolate syrup) and had yogurt (Swiss-style even) for breakfast. The Swiss team left first to go to the post office, so we actually were ahead of them for 25 km -- until we stopped at the Laird Trail to the N.W.T. We think we saw a bear behind us and we definitely saw some bison. We caught up again at 50 km for a lunch break. We made oatmeal and were pretty proud about getting the cooker out. Oh! Before that, we saw a moose -- very close! It walked right in front of us and then Chris noticed a huge owl just a while later. OK, so after lunch, we started climbing, and climbing, and kept climbing for about 30 km. Chris saw a bear close to the road and honked at it and it ran away. I was fairly far back at that point. That climb was amazing. There were some really awesome views. We even attempted to capture a tiny little bit in photos. Once we passed Steamboat, the road was gravel and dirt and they were re-carving the road through the mountain. It was rather amazing. We finally got to descend! We put warm clothes on even! I think that was after we rode right past a bear to our right (about 10 yards) (X - no before). An RV had pulled over in the oncoming lane, which we always suspect means they're watching a bear. We were both checking the RV out and didn't notice the bear until we were right next to it. It just sat there (X - It was walking slowly. My bear was sitting before he ran off. Both of these sightings were as close as they'd be in a zoo!). We finally made it to this Prov. Park and fixed grilled cheese on super yummy tomato bread. It tasted awesome! Hung the food (all 2 tons of it) in a tree.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000