The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 21 June 1997


Day 82 - Dawson Creek, B.C.

21 June 1997 (mileage = 47.3) -- A - It was raining when we woke up -- big surprise! We just laid there for a long time. It finally let up and we probably left around noon. It drizzled a little and we got wet but we could see blue skies ahead. We finally gave in and put on the capes. It cleared up again until we got to the B.C. (super, natural) border. We had the capes on earlier that time. It didn't last too long, though, and then it was pretty nice. The riding was rolling hills with not too bad winds. Sometimes they might even have been tail winds. Then we dropped down a really huge hill and I, of course, was dreading an equal ascent ahead, but it wasn't too bad and we were at Pouce Coupe where we ate lunch and had the cook (owner?) telling us we would be bear food unless we got guns. Oh well. Onto the Dawson Creek circus -- mile 0' of the Alaska Highway! We hit an ATM for cash and a bakery for a pie, donuts and some rolls and then out of town. Quick! We saw a campground on the left shortly and thought we would eat our goodies and try to get water. Then we heard thunder and Chris had seen lightning earlier. It didn't really look too bad, but still .... We went to look for a shelter and next to it found some cyclists from Switzerland! We got them to come in and talk to us. Susan and Hanspeter, I think. They have been traveling for over a year and have done really neat stuff! They did some in Europe first and New England area of U.S. with Western Canada, then south to Mexico and up through the States. It would seem they are making more of an adventure of it than we are. They stay some places for extended time. They went to a school for 2 months to learn Spanish in Mexico. They cook really complicated meals -- very impressive! They have awesome German panniers (X - Ortlieb brand) that are waterproof. They speak English very well. It's so neat to meet them and see someone better than us! So we camped here and then this Japanese guy comes in on a bike! He's coming from Alaska and pretty much doing the reverse route of the other two, but he doesn't speak English very well, so it's tougher to talk to him. X - I ate 7/16 of a pie today in contrast to the precision Suisse chefs. It's dark! We're up late -- ironic for the high-latitude solstice.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000