The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 20 June 1997


Day 81 - Hythe, Alberta

20 June 1997 (gloomy; mileage = 11.9) -- A - We slept pretty late, since it was raining and windy. By the time we packed up, it had stopped raining long enough for the tent to be dry (thanks to the wind). We went to the grocery and headed back to the nice shelter at the campground. Only it was occupied by lads from the too-close high school, drinking large bottles of beer and smoking. It was apparently exam day. Jason, who lives on a nearby reservation, was quite talkative and told us of his past problems and future aspirations. We asked them about their use of metric. It seems more intuitive for them, but they still use a mixture. Example: km and liters, but pounds and feet/inches also. The sun started shining but it didn't last long. The wind had shifted to be mostly head wind again and Chris wasn't interested in battling it again today, so we stopped here at their nice campground! The bathroom is in a railroad car. No luck with the Mexican food quest at the grocery, though!
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000