The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 19 June 1997


Day 80 - Beaverlodge, Alberta

19 June 1997 (strong wind from west; light drizzle ALL day; 55 degrees; mileage = 28.1) -- A - We awoke to even more wonderful hospitality from Gerry and Enid. Gerry had breakfast waiting for us. Cereal, fruit, juice, English muffins, whole milk. WOW! It was fantastic. I wanted to add a big AMEN! when Gerry finished his prayer, but I restrained myself. We got our stuff together and left. That was tough to do. It was raining lightly and we had even stronger winds than yesterday and he had told us our route would be hilly. Incidentally, the winds yesterday were 30 kph and we thought they were rough. Today we headed into 40 kph! And grueling doesn't being to describe it. Poor Chris led the entire way and I was still struggling to keep up. We had to head straight into the wind for about 38 km and slightly to the north for the last 5-7. We got up the first big (not so big, really) hill, and Chris said it had been the toughest he'd experienced ever. Normally, that hill would have been easy! We decided there was no sense in killing ourselves, so we stopped at a semi-agreeable person's yard for a few hours. We finished reading our movie-of-the-week and took off again. Not nearly as tough, but still raining and not pleasant. We made it to Beaverlodge and ate at a Chinese/Western place and came to the campground. It feels very cold for 55 degrees! X - If one rode in this every day for as long as we did, that person would be a cycling god or dead!
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000