The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 18 June 1997


Day 79 - Grand Prarie, Alberta

18 June 1997 (light rain; head wind!! cloudy afternoon; berserk rain with big hail; mileage = 71.6) -- X - We woke up to rain, so we slept in a bit until it died down and finally stopped (~7:30). We left into a head wind, which was to haunt us all day. The morning was just a lot of riding. We had some rain and the "towns" were no more than gas stations. In Debolt, we opted for the home-style restaurant, instead of the truck stop. This meant an extra km, but it was well worth it. We had the Denver sandwich (special of the day) which came with fries, roll, salad and coffee. It was supposed to come with dessert, but we were too full anyway. It was very good; all for $5.25 each. Then we dropped into a very BIG valley. The descent was a bummer with the strong head wind. The climb was neat since there were about 1/2 dozen double-long tanker trucks (obviously full) climbing, too. They aren't much faster than us. I'd say they did 8 mph while we were doing 6 mph. We climbed well considering our average for the day was a grueling 10 mph. Shortly after, we got off onto a parallel side street for the last 17 miles. Tough, but low traffic, nice. As we finally pulled into Grand Prairie, it started to rain. As we moved through the city, it got worse. It crescendoed into a full blast huge drop, with hail accompaniment thunder storm. About a mile from our destination, April hit an uneven pavement spot (in the storm) and almost fell into traffic. Instead of dying and going to heaven, we both just skipped the former. At Gerry & Enid's house, we took a shower, did laundry, ate pizza they ordered for us. We then spent time talking with these amazingly nice people. We're indoors tonight -- in a bed! I don't know if I can do that anymore! Wow! These guys just beam with good karma!
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000