The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 13 June 1997


Day 74 - Cherhill, Alberta

13 June 1997 (Friday the 13th; very slight winds; warm; sunny; misty; ominous and big head wind in evening; mileage 45.1) -- X - We woke up and lazed around a bit. We read some of the book April got from the campground bathroom library. At about 7:45 we heard loud music and the chainsaw activity; real relaxin', eh? So we packed up and left. We stopped at the big SafeWay there. Then we took off down the freeway heading for where it wasn't a freeway. We had ridden about 30 miles and I was ready to quit for the day. We saw a nice roadside campsite and later a gas station with a restaurant. We ate there and decided to ride 1 km back to the campsite. We put up Ft. Mosquito and read and relaxed. We were ready to stay there, but the woman who ran it started to badger us for the fee. Big turn off. The place was crawling with mosquitoes, and the only helpful facilities to us were the mosquito-infested latrines. Not-so-helpful. I prefer the woods. So at about 7:00 PM, we took off from there. While riding, the light wind picked up a lot and the sky got real nasty-looking. We stopped at a farm house. No one home. Then we got to Cherhill and we spotted their ball diamond. We wanted to ask the neighbors if that was OK. The first house was unoccupied, though the door was open and there were lots of computers on inside. The other side of the ball park was where we met Carrie (Carolyn) who was very nice and accommodating. She had nice short grass (lower mosquito probability) and a nice privacy fence. So we camped in her yard. After setting up the tent and getting things ready, we went inside to chat with her. She made tea for us and gave us some organic thing she was baking. Quite good. She's around 50 and from New York (a long time ago). She used to live on a bus that is parked in their property. Her "partner," Norman, is away this weekend. She said they paid $10,000 ($ Can) for their house which we thought was a super deal since it's really quite nice and classy. Very much my mom's style with Art Nouveau stuff and cool, foreign-looking artifacts and decorations. All imparted with personalized personality . We chatted till around midnight and then went outside for a very good night's sleep in the light rain.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000