Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 14 June 1997
Day 75 - Cherhill, Alberta
14 June 1997 (gorgeous day; hot but with good breeze; very few mosquitoes
in the day!; mileage = .4 [A -- to store; X -- tested both bikes) -- A -
Since it's been about a month since we've had a 0 day and the facility is
so nice here, we decided to stay. Carrie fixed us some coffee and let us
use her washer and clothesline to do laundry. Chris hosed off the bikes and
I tried to get the mildew off the tent using vinegar, but it seems to be
stained. Hopefully, it's clean at least. I rode down to the grocery with
Carrie and got some cheese (expensive!) and milk for our lunch. I talked to
Carrie for a while -- she's super nice. Reminds me a lot of how Aunt Susan
used to be, which makes me sad that she changed. It's really neat here.
She's apparently been collecting this stuff from yard sales, pawn shops and
garbage dumps for quite some time now. She has a good style with it all --
it makes a very cool impression. We got to check out the bus -- it's pretty
neat, too. It has a wood stove, an oven, a fridge and cabinet space. Chris
worked on the brakes and tightening the headset and cranks (or just
checking them maybe), and I switched the computers on my bike. We loaded
them back up and went in for a bath in the really cool seashell-decorated
bathroom. We had beany weenys for dinner. We'll hang around until 10
tomorrow to see if the place Carrie works is open. It's some historical
place with old buildings and gardens of a guy who identified a bunch of new
bird species. We'll either drive down there with her or head out if it
isn't open. Norman is supposed to be home tomorrow, too -- wonder if we'll
get to meet him?