The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 12 June 1997


Day 73 - Stony Plain, Alberta

12 June 1997 (good tail winds in morning; overcast and pleasant; some nasty bouts of rain; mileage = 67.5) -- X - Roy's dog, Sally, was confused by us and the tent and barked if we made a tiny sound. So I didn't get the super restful sleep I'd hoped for. When we were leaving, we found the promised "good" H2O and I saw stuff in it. Like an idiot, I took a small sip. It was horrible and made me not drink any more H2O almost all day. This was bad. (Also, we didn't really get access to any.) We rode well into Edmonton with a tail wind and hit a K-mart for some stuff (hat for A and mothballs -- bears don't like 'em). We stopped in a big, but lame, bike shop -- Monty Cyclery-like. We then stopped at a camping store where I bought some dog-be-gone hoping it would work as bear-be-gone. The guys were nice, took an interest and gave us a thermometer, compass, key chain. Cool. We then hit CAA/AAA for a new bunch of maps. Then to bike shops in their Clifton-like University district. We got an old Cat-eye Vectra for $20. That took quite some negotiating! April then checked out a cat store to see how the Canadians did it. We then found a Baskin-Robbins! Wow! Unfortunately, we were compelled to eat at the Subway next door. Subway is a BAD deal. I could eat 6 feet of sandwiches before getting full. Calories per $ is terrible. B&R was good, of course. When riding out, we met a serious-seeming biker who tried to send us out of town the best way. We were on the freeway, heading out of town and the sky looked real dark and bad news-like. We needed H2O and rest and the freeway is bad for this. We got off and rode through a town. We stopped at SafeWay and I bought expensive H2O, including 1 bottle to replace the one that touched the foul H2O this morning. When we left, the rain got real serious and about 5 miles later we pulled into a $10 campsite and put up the tent in the rain. We did have FINE showers and the rain stopped a little while after we got the tent up. (We stopped it actually.)
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000