The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 7 June 1997


Day 68 - Hafford, Sask.

7 June 1997 (rain overnight; sunny by noon; mileage = 10.6) -- A - It amazingly rained overnight! It stopped just before we got up (6ish). We packed up and went over to the eating shelter to have breakfast. The pelican tour man drove in around 7:45 and we headed over to the boat ramp to meet him there. The dirt/sand/gravel road was tough to navigate after the rain and I lagged about 1/2 mile behind Chris (normal when I'm nervous about the road surface). Two bird watchers from Manitoba had camped and were going also (Liz and Marlene). We got to go on a sailboat! He used the motor to get us going and out past the pelican colony, since the sails might frighten them, but we did get to sail back in! It was very neat. We couldn't go very close to the nested island, but we got to borrow glasses to see better. Once we got back to the center, we saw a video that showed them up close. It also showed how they freak out and lots of the babies wind up dying if someone gets too close to the nests. They like to be very isolated. We got pelican T-shirts and post cards and talked to the director for a while. The little hump on the white pelican's nose is not permanent. It's a mating thing and then it comes off. They had some there and we held one. I wanted one! We ate at the concession again. This time it was Debbie's daughters, but everything was good. We escaped the dirt hills and got to Hafford, where lots of Ukrainians hang out. Apparently, churches and wedding are the attraction in this town. They had street signs in Russian. Neat. They had a little campground which seems very nice. Early day planned tomorrow!
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000