The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 8 June 1997


Day 69 - Cut Knife, Sask.

8 June 1997 (rainy to sunny; warm; mileage = 77) -- X - We were both tired and the wind was already up so we slept a bit late ~ 7:00. We left about 9:00 just into time for some people to start setting up a big picnic-type of event and rain. Too bad, eh? It was drizzling on and off, but we had a decent tail wind. Yea! We rode strong half-hour blocks in the rain and made great time to Battleford. We stopped at a tourist info thing and learned of a Bonanza all-u-can-eat, so we went there next and quickly got seats where we could see our bikes. They had good salad, but something there wasn't too great for me. We then went to Wal-mart and got a new umbrella to replace our broken old one and another net head, since I was using April's this morning. Then onto their freeway-like roads out of town. We saw a group of pelicans as we crossed the big river. The rain had let up and it was clearing up. Even when it was raining, the mosquitoes were bad. Now they were worse. It was really hard to stop for a break, since after 2 minutes you got mobbed and they wouldn't get away even when you got back up to speed! There were some decent climbs out of river valleys that were very stressful. We had to, of course, go slow and that's when the skeeters would pick on us. Resting was out of the question. April rode awesomely today. There were a couple of hills, yes hills, where she almost dropped me. She also took some fine pulls in the rain. We had a late start and a tail wind, but we had a very fine day of riding. We are at a campground in Cut Knife, Sask. They have the "world's largest tomahawk" here in the park and a neat little historical village. Do tourists really come here? Kind of odd. They do have showers which is where April is and where I'm headed. A - A woman we asked for directions to the campground came to check on us and see if we wanted to come to her house for showers if these didn't work. Wow! These did just fine, though! Testing the citronella candle.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000