The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 6 June 1997


Day 67 - Redberry Lake, Sask.

6 June 1997 (overcast; 20 drops of rain each; nice cloud shad; awesome wind -- SE! mileage = 62.7) -- X - We left Debbie's yard at around 5:30. The winds were howling all night. They were perfect for our route. We did some solid half-hour blocks until a new stretch where we cranked through ~ 10 miles in 30 minutes. We got to a river valley (the Saskatchewan River) which was very big. Bigger than its cousin in Saskatoon. I got up to 43 mph going into it. We had heard (read) that a nearby lake has the largest population of nesting American white pelicans in the world. We had to check it out. We took long, tough back roads to the lake. No pelicans. We backtracked a bit to a primary gravel road and took it to the north end of the lake. Still having the tail winds, I got up to 30 mph on loose gravel! Very scary. We stopped to admire a Russian Orthodox church in Krydor, which was almost a ghost town. We took a south turn into the regional (like a state park) park and found out that their pelican center was closed. We had cheeseburgers and talked to the woman who ran the concessions, Debbie. Yes. Another one! We then checked out the park and saw pelicans on the lake and flying. I counted 30 flying nearby. They apparently live on an island. The mosquitoes weren't bad, but the wind died right before we pitched the tent. Now I am watching 20 or so mill around on the window mesh. The bug armor went quite well, too. We're real tired. April is napping, and I'm about to do the same. We had Debbie call the pelican manager and we have a boat tour scheduled for tomorrow.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000