The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 26 May 1997


Day 56 - Church's Ferry, ND

26 May 1997 (sunny; wind from east again; mileage = 58.7) -- A - After a very quiet night, we awoke to sun. All these nice days in a row, WOW! We hit the tail wind road quickly. It's amazing how it seems there's no wind at all ... until you stop or turn a little. We stopped at a gas station for some quickie food and then at a super modern rest stop prior to Devil's Lake. Checked voice mail and found that these annoying crank callers have been busy. It makes me very mad, so Chris has been recording the message. I have such a low tolerance for that type of stupidity. I would record a mean message to them, but the best thing is to ignore them. We ate at a buffet in Devil's Lake and got really full and then had to go grocery shopping! Somehow, I managed a record spree of over $50! AND we got it all on the bikes. Chris had an interested, middle-aged man (actually a Sioux Indian interested in getting money for a drink -- Chris gave him $1), who shared some information about Indian Reservations and the area in general. From there, we got to Church's Ferry and found an area to camp. We talked to some very nice people across the street who gave us water and offered their bathroom. They have kids who've been in Alaska, the Yukon and Nicaragua -- they've also been to those places. Very interesting. This area is very neat. There are marshes along the roads with lots of ducks and birds. We've seen rats swimming also. We stopped at a flooded road just before Church's Ferry -- it's pretty wild. X - We did a full-blown reorganization with all the stuff we're getting rid of. Wash up and bed.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000