The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 27 May 1997


Day 57 - Towner, ND

27 May 1997 (sunny; good winds breaking up, but still decent! mileage = 60.8) We woke up to more nice sunshine in Church's Ferry. I used Art and Nora's restroom and talked to them a bit. They're quite active for being over 80. Very friendly and interesting. We then rode to the post office to send back some jetsam. On the way, April noticed a flat rear tire. I found a piece of glass in the tire and set about patching it. When I started to inflate the tube, I saw major cracks in the tire sidewall. This was a very bad sign. I only dared to put 40 psi in it. Even with 40 psi, though, it was VERY unstable and was very hard for April to control. My rear sidewall already had a small hernia and I was very worried about one of them giving out completely. We stopped in Leeds and ate oatmeal, watched kids on the playground, played on the playground, etc. Then on to Rugby. Just before Rugby, we stopped at a rest area (and I am continually amazed by the pervasiveness of perverts -- "gay sex call" and the hole drilled at urinal level in the john). In Rugby we stopped at the Pamida store. It turned out (as we had hoped) to be a mini K-mart. Just big enough to sell bikes and tires! So I bought 2 cheapie tires and put a big knobby one on A's back wheel. Horrible rolling resistance, but it didn't leave us stranded anywhere. I also did a good job cleaning the wheel and hub. So now April's wheel is just slow, not failure-prone and dangerous. In Rugby, there is a marker claiming to be the geographic center of N. America. There was a tourist info place there and we got many excellent maps of Canada. I also found out that they used a physical cut-out of N. America to find this balancing point (the centroid, I believe). How crude. So by this time it was getting late and we headed for small town hospitality which tonight is Towner. We had dinner at their park and watched dozens of kids come out to play in the park. There are a bunch of H.S. kids playing b-ball and we are wondering if we might be able to find a more tranquil spot. We may ride on, although it is late, or we may just wait till sundown and do a night drill. The sun is up so long now that it would be hard to not be asleep all night. The mosquitoes are out, but not too terrible. The temperature is very pleasant and cool and the wind is almost nil. Very rare here, I suspect. A - I'm pretty pleased with the pannier reorganization. There are some things I wish were different, but really tough to implement. Our plastic wash basin is tricky because you want to be able to access it, but you don't want to store it empty. We had food in it, but that's a drag to empty and refill when bathing. I'm back to having food in the Jandd duffel and my red tote. Not ideal, but seemingly the most useable. Chris' panniers seem empty now, which makes them easy to access good. Mine are pretty logical, also. I have all our clothes and cooking and food supplies. He has all the tent supplies and we each have our own rain gear. Hopefully, this will work out and I can stop trying to rearrange in my mind. Then when we stop, I can read or write letters, etc.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000