The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 24 May 1997


Day 54 - McIntosh, MN

24 May 1997 (sunny! mileage = 20) -- A - Awoke to SUN! YAY!!! Dodged cow pies to pack up. Rode to Wayside 5 miles away for breakfast. We are not getting along very well at this point. Chris is annoyed with my seeming lack of appreciation for this experience. I feel like I'm always in a hurry and slowing him down anyway. I feel like I'm on the super fast track and never have time to just relax. Not what I expected to feel! I also get annoyed with things like him telling people I'm his wife, and I let that stuff eat at me and get in the way of my enjoyment of what's going on. Hopefully, if I keep reading the Yogi book, I'll be able to let go of things and actually enjoy the present without worrying about the future. We'll just have to keep working on getting along and being "together" for this trip! We rode 20 miles and got to a city park that had camping for $5. Including nice showers! Too inviting on a super nice day to pass up. We worked on getting rid of stuff and Chris rigged the tarp on the bikes to block wind and sun. Very nice!
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000