The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 23 May 1997


Day 53 - Near Bagley, MN

23 May 1997 (rain; clouds; sunset clear! mileage = 67) -- A - It rained consistently through the night. We packed the tent wet and set out to get back on track again. We finally made it to Bemidge and went to a bakery thrift shop, a grocery we did not go in, a bike shop, and another bakery thrift shop, and finally, a laundromat to finish drying clothes from 2 days ago that didn't dry in the sun. The bakery stores were not good deals, so I didn't buy much, but the woman in the first one donated part of what I got since we're "going such a long way." That was very nice. We finally got back onto Route 2 for the 1st time since Wisconsin turned it into freeway. It had a nice, wide shoulder and is 4-lane-divided. It seems to be generally downhill to North Dakota -- yippee! We stopped in Bagley for groceries and Chris acquired a county map from an interested YOUNG man -- Bruce. He gave us names and locations of some of his friends. We wound up at a neighbor of one of those people, out in a pasture behind their house. The sky cleared and we got 15 minutes of SUN before it set. X - The rain was amazing last night! Such persistence in a hard rain is impressive. So was the tent! Good job N.F. Everyone here seems very nice. Real laid back, like they don't care what you'll do.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000