The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 5 May 1997


Day 35 - Near Bear Lake, MI

5 May 1997 (rainy/sun/rainy; mileage = 36.3) -- A - We slept in a little and awoke to rain, which prompted us to sleep in a little more. It was very sporadic, light rain. We finally got up, had breakfast and got ready. Our campsite was very nice. One you would enjoy staying more than one night at, but we've done that recently so we needed to move on. Once we started riding, it really started raining, BUT ... we had a huge tail wind! Fair trade. We rode into Manistee, saw a really huge Catholic cemetery, crossed a drawbridge and then it REALLY started raining and thundering and lightning. We needed to see the map, but that would be pretty impossible. We started out of town and saw a bakery so we tried to dodge the rain, only it was out of business! Back on the road ... finally a Burger King. We had Whoppers, apple pie and coffee. Very tasty! And DRY. By the time we left, the sun was peeking out. Well-timed stop. We rode up and came to a Lake Michigan shoreline that looked just like a calm ocean! It was so cool. We then got to Bear Lake, where we stopped at a little village park to rest and snack. We put away rain gear, cleaned up the bikes, pondered whether to stay there and camp, but decided to take advantage of the wind and move on. Chris noticed someone windsurfing on the lake and was jealous. Anyway, we left and it clouded up again. About 6 miles later, we could hear thunder behind us and see it pouring rain back there. We quickly turned off, found a spot and had the tent up and everything stowed just as the first drops started. Quite impressive!
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000