The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 2 May 1997


Day 32 - Muskegon, MI

2 May 1997 (rainy/benevolent wind; mileage = 81) -- X - We woke up to relatively still, dry weather. We did a hurry-up tear down and hit the sandy road which wasn't so dusty after all the rain. We soon came to a place called Fallasburg. We read the historical markers about John Fallas with a snicker. It was colder here. After crossing a covered bridge, we hit some rolling hill terrain. Lots of orchards with warning signs on them of pesticides, etc. We went through Rockford and I sent Steve a postcard reminding him where Wolverine boots (which he sells) are made. It was very cutsey there and we would have to backtrack to hit the grocery store. So we pressed on to Sparta where we did find an enormous grocery store. I noticed a couple of drops of rain while April was food shopping. It was a bit later that we had to stop and break out full rain battle gear. An amazing fact is this is the FIRST time on our trip that we ran into prolonged real rain! We managed to stay fairly dry and I felt that the rain gear was relatively successful, although with all gear, improvements evolve. So we rode in the rain. April was having a hard time staying on my wheel, so I drafted her most of the way, at the same pace I was leading. I don't think she was ready to draft me in the rain anyway. The terrain eventually rolled down toward THE lake. We were looking for a place to stop and rest, but we could find nothing, so we rode a very long time straight (15-20 miles). Finally I saw a place labeled Fruitport Conservation Club. We turned in. As I looked for a shelter, I noticed that it was merely a gun club with skeet and target shooting facilities. We rested under the awning of one of the shooting stations. No one was there. Next, we headed for Muskegon. We went straight for the state park symbol on our map, which took us miles out of our way. The park was on the other side of the park area. And it was very disappointing. They wanted $15 for a site which still seems pretty bogus to me. I was convinced that we would find someone who would let us camp on their property. We came to a park after riding through the city. It was cold, windy, and rainy. We waited there for a while wondering what to do. We decided to not eat there and press on. As we were leaving, a couple (in a Toyota) drove up and asked if we needed help. I asked if we could camp in their yard and we drove to their house so that we could follow them. They had an awesome house on Lake Michigan. We camped by their house. They kindly let us use the showers. Very, very good karma. A - They gave us awesome hot tea also! X - Other things today: 1) found 5/8-inch 11/16 box wrench 2) caused a dog to get hit when he chased us into traffic. He seemed not severely hurt.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000