The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 16 April 1997


Day 16 - Cincinnati, OH

16 April 1997 (sunny and cloudy and rainy and cold; mileage = 11[A] 14[X]) -- We got out of the tent a bit late and took our time packing it. We did beat the rain, though. We moved our stuff onto the porch and started organizing. We took a shower and got the bikes ready for urban exploring. We rode to Penn Station for lunch and from there we rode in the annoying light rain to All About Sports where we bought some shorts. After A.A.S. we went next door to Linen's N' Things where we bought material for our S.B. liner and a plastic container. We then stopped by Sun & Ski and they didn't have what we needed. Onto Jim's. He had Cinti Goliath tires which are quite awesome. He also had a decent stay mounted kickstand. HALLELUJAH! I also bought a good Jandd handlebar bag that April and I made work in Jim's parking lot and shoe covers for April. After Jim's we went to Walgreens for some other things and a snack. We then rode back to my dad's and worked on installing the kickstand and tubes. Sarah was "helping" and blew up an old tube until it blew up. Bang. After one bike had new tires, I rode to Krogers for dinner while A worked on changing the other set of tires. I made some dinner and we played with our stuff a bit more and went to sleep in the west living room.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000