The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 14 April 1997


Day 14 - Cowan Lake, OH

14 April 1997 (very cold AM; sunny and warming PM; mileage + 44) -- A - We woke up to frost covering everything. It was quite spectacular! Our black panniers had this layer of frost -- it looked neat. The tent was covered and sparkled in the just rising sunlight. Very pretty. We got packed up and went over to the cozy warm bathrooms and as I sat on the toilet, my helmet frost started melting and dripping all over me. It was funny. We hit Hillsboro just before 9 and got some donuts and coffee and sat on a statue base in front of a jail with a sign "Absolutely no talking to prisoners through cell windows by order of sheriff." Hey, no problem! Lots of people asked what we were doing in this town, probably the most comments we've gotten yet. We stopped at the library because Chris was having problems with his brakes again. He took them apart and I think they are better now -- he tied his pannier forward a little. He may need the low-rider racks. The librarian was outside and talked to us -- we went in and used the restrooms and Chris tried to make copies but had difficulty doing so once it was finally his turn (tax day tomorrow). We rode on some nice back roads. Boy, was it nice to not have any mountain roads to climb today! Chris got upset that I wasn't drafting on those back roads. Finally a time when there was no traffic, no awful hills, and I could relax and look around. I can't look around if I'm watching his tire so I don't hit him or fall back too far. I guess I'll get better, but I finally felt so free today, I just wanted to look around. I'm still working on getting my seat adjusted; it's getting better. We used the radios today; they're fun to use! It's nice to be able to say something other than "WHAT?!" We wore the super cold footwear again today. I have a hard time getting my feet in the pedals with them. Hopefully, it will be warm enough to go back to cycling shoes. We are at Cowan Lake Park now. The camping fee is $15 -- that seems pretty outrageous! We will try to not have to pay it. Chris decided he'd like to go home for a few days. I wanted to do that before and had given up on it, but I'll be happy to do it! We can make some adjustments and get some stuff we want and let people buy us some good food! It'll be fun! Chris is off taking a shower now. It's still pretty chilly, but I guess I'll go take one when he gets back. I think I stink. X - The showers were almost worth $15. April's drafting just frustrates me because she'll ride for miles about 3 lengths back. That just drags our miles out. Why not nab that efficiency and bring along a toaster or something? She'll hopefully figure it out when the winds get tough. I rode her bike a bit at the campsite and compared to mine, it's light! We're so close to being even and drafting would do it. My huge #1 problem right now is the same as it's been for 3 months kickstand! What do you do with a 120+-lb beast of burden on 2 wheels when you're not riding it? Lean it against a post? It's almost easier to just keep riding than to manhandle it into such a position. Oh ya, 90% of our stops, there is nothing to lean it against. And despite my best machine shop efforts, my actual kickstand (Greenfield) is about shot (bearing) already. I have a few ideas, though. A - My shower was very satisfying and I dried my hair with the hand dryer! Not too bad!
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000