The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 13 April 1997


Day 13 - Rocky Fork Lake, OH

13 April 1997 (light hail and very cold in morn; very windy and cold with periods of extreme hail; mileage = 43.5) -- A - We left Len's (he came out to chat with us a bit) around 9. The sky was ugly-gray. It couldn't decide whether to rain or snow or hail. We managed to get the stuff packed without much trouble except the freezing cold. We got our cold-weather shoes out even! We finally did escape the Shawnee Forest region! We hit "flat" ground -- HA! It's still hilly to me, but survivable. We hit a McDonald's in Peebles -- nice restrooms! Had burgers, fries and coffee and caught up some paperwork in the warmth. Back into the cold now to head for Rocky Fork Lake! X - Also this morning, I had a completely flat tire which I patched in the freezing cold wind. Later that morning after coming down the ridge about as slow as we came up it yesterday, due to the bad road condition, I had to reset my brake return tension which had failed. It's too cold for bike work. Just before we hit Peebles and the McD's we stopped at a cemetery we've rested at before and had Cream of Wheat. The McD's is probably a more efficient cal/$ refueling. After McD's we rode to central Peebles and I called my dad and voice mail. Right after leaving town, the hail and wind was so intense that we stopped at the top of a big hill to put on more gear. I wore tights, boots, shorts, socks, Marmot's shirt, sweat shirt, jacket, W's OR gloves, balaclava, hat 4 all seasons and helmet. It was cold. We rode very well today and hills that were dreadful before Shawnee were now not so bad. We are definitely getting better. Good strong riding despite tough weather. A - Made it to Rocky Fork, camped in the same spot as last time. It was cold, so we ate in the tent. I got in the sleeping bag and sat in a power lounger while Chris worked on maps, etc. Every time Chris took his jacket off today, it started hailing! What power!
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000