The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 12 April 1997


Day 12 - Adams County, OH

12 April 1997 (very rainy in morn; mixed rain/sun afternoon; very windy in evening; mileage = 16.5) -- A - It started raining during the night and kept raining pretty consistently through noon or so. We had a hard time getting up and leaving (at least I did!). We finally managed to get things packed up and on the bikes without too much rain interference. We were finally rolling again around 2:20 (oops, kind of late). We rode a couple of miles up the gravel road, which continues to make me nervous, even after our mountain biking practice a few days ago. We hit pavement eventually and rode through some very pretty hills. We saw the horse camp area. People camp on one side of the road and tie their horses up on the other side. They had some non-plumbed toilets there. I used the men's room. That was kind of fun! We headed on, pretty confident we were on our way OUT of these hills, when we came to a left turn we wanted to take, only it wasn't there! OK -- revision to plan -- there was another left a little way down. Only it would require a bridge that was out. It was a long way down. Chris was scheming a plan to cross the creek. I said "NO." I'd rather go up this really huge hill and take a bit of a detour than get these bikes and us down this steep creek bed and across and back up the other side into the middle of someone's farm. Then we saw a truck come driving down a ramp into the creek on the far side and proceed to drive up the creek (water reaching the bottoms of the doors -- BIG pickup). Chris jumped on his bike and followed to see where they would come out. I'm thinking "Oh lord, we're going across!" Sure enough, I get up there and he's getting his rubber shoes on -- only he tried to ride across and nearly tumbled (getting water down in the boots [X - not too much really! It was up to the hubs. *Picture-bike/water* ]). The rest went smoothly, though. So! We crossed and then I was glad, because it wasn't so bad. The hill we had to go up next was pretty bad, though! We finally crested it and found a hunting dog with 240' shaved in his fur. He was very cute but wouldn't come to us. We went a little further and stopped in front of a cabin on several acres to lube the chains. There was someone on the porch (Len Culver), so Chris went and asked if we could camp there. We got the OK. Had spaghetti -- dried out our stuff -- VERY WINDY! Sleep around 9:30.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000