The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 6 April 1997


Day 6 - Duff's, Adams County, OH

6 April 1997 (morning overcast and windy, but pleasant temp; perfect afternoon gusty winds; mileage = 0) -- X - Got up after sleeping in late (~9:30). Organized stuff. Got H2O from creek. Made hot chocolate with stove. Rested. Washed Marmot shirts in creek. OK except for some larvae-looking things I picked up and hopefully picked off. Dennis & Nancy came at about 15:00. They brought some stuff we needed and some lunch. We went through our stuff and got some stuff for them to take back. Hung out with them telling about the trip so far. After good-byes, I hauled the lawn jockey up the hill and perched him on top of Duff's foundation. We signed him and then did some more organizing and more loafing. We made dinner of chili, green beans, bread and oranges. Lots of stars out tonight! Last thing we did before going to bed was to heat up H2O and wash off. Very cool in the gusty wind, but worth it! *Picture-lawn jockey*
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000