The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 4 April 1997


Day 4 - Peebles, OH

4 April 1997 (beautiful, clear sunny day; haze late afternoon; mileage = 20.5) -- X - Got up at about 6:10 and were riding by 7:10. Nicely dodged the $10 camping fee (which is a joke when nothings works). After frustrating traffic on 124, I got out my maps from the Ohio atlas and found back roads! Wow! What a difference. No shoulder, but no cars! Fabulous riding and scenery. Very nice off of the main road. Saw a big vulture right in front of us. We were still short on H2O and had run out completely by the time we got to John M. Stewart's house on Wallace Road (~10:00). Hung out and rested. A - No one home at John's and the outside water didn't work, so we ate some food and had an orange hoping it would be refreshing. I laid on the swing by the babbling brook for a long time (napped a little). Finally, it got to be too much -- I went down into the water and washed my hands and face -- it seemed clear and fresh, so I drank a little. Chris wouldn't do it, so eventually, I got the filter out and filled a 1½ liter bottle. It wasn't too hard. It didn't taste as good filtered as it did out of my hands straight from the creek. We picked out our camping site. Hopefully, we'll get to take showers! Tonight, Chris will probably make the excursion to get food a little later. He's nicely sunburned, so he'll wait for the sun to calm down a little. X - Christopher, Lynette, then John and Taylor all came home. We took a quick, 5-minute shower each which smelled very sulphury. Better than nothing. Got some bottled H2O from John. Talked about work and went to bed. I never went to get food. We just ate what we had in the afternoon.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000