The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 2 April 1997


Day 2 - Near Milford, OH

2 April 1997 (beautiful, clear, sunny day; mileage = 12 [X only]) -- A - Coldest night temp. We saw 26 degrees. Noon temp in the sun 86.4 degrees! We're in a great spot. We can hear and barely see people and they'd be hard-pressed to see us from the bike trail. We slept quite late -- I believe Chris just made it out of the bivy before noon! We'll be rested up quickly at this rate -- ride 15 miles, sleep 15 hours. Yes, perhaps 1 hour sleep for every mile we ride! X - Ditched panniers off of green bike and rounded up all the H2O bottle for a good run to Loveland. Got stung by a bee on the way to Loveland on the trail (on my left wrist). No big deal, though. Stopped at T-way and bought food and H2O, since Loveland water tasted yucky. Filled remaining bottles with it on way back. Helped April with stuff organizing, then I made dinner of: 1 box (3.5) service mashed potatoes, 8 oz. cheddar cheese, milk, H2O, chili powder. Very tasty when you're hungry. Got things ready for next day and went to bed at dark. Some animal ate a small hole in our OR mesh bag and ate ½ of a Kit-Kat.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000