The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Winter 1998 - San Diego to Cincinnati
Journals - 10 March 1998


Day 41

10 March 1998 (Steelville [population center of U.S.]; mileage = 60.6) -- A - It was really cold overnight (10 degrees this morning outside; 30 degrees inside tent), but we both managed to stay pretty warm. You could feel little water molecules floating around, though -- it was weird. We had the tarp under the tent, so we didn't get wet from below, and all the snow did melt under us. We got rolling in a fairly short amount of time (in full sunlight -- yeah!), and it was really cold! Chris had a flat front that took a patch try and then a new tube to fix. Finally, we made it to Vienna and had a nice first meal of the day. We had a shoulder for a few miles out of there, but lost it too soon. It was still very hilly, but there were some fairly flat stretches we made good time on. Chris had another flat (rear), and a cop stopped to make sure we had everything we needed. We got to St. James and had a snack and then to Steelville. Two hotels here and one's closed, so we had to pay too much. We did get things clean and dry and had good supper. Chris cooked outside the window. He bought an additional tarp at an Army surplus store. 636 + 1,404 - X; 2,017 - A -- odometer readings
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000