The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Winter 1998 - San Diego to Cincinnati
Journals - 06 March 1998


Day 37

06 March 1998 (Rich Hill, Missouri/Apache motel; mileage = 54.5) -- X - We had an early wake up and I made coffee/cocoa with the already set-up stove. It was cold outside (32 degrees F), and there was ice from precipitation much earlier. We both used the pathetic out building, and we were off. The bitter cold was made more bitter and cold by our nasty wind from the east. It had maybe a 10-degree or 15-degree north component, but all day it sucked. We crawled along at 8 mph with our noses pouring snot. We passed through a tiny town that seemed to have no food, so we moved on. The day's excitement was a running dog, who chased us for just over 6 miles to tie the record. April was very upset by this dog 1) getting lost and 2) risking its neck with traffic. We finally got to Prescott, Kansas, which wasn't too much of a thrill. We ate sandwiches in a small Quansa-hut grocery store room. Then more grinding into the wind. We got out of Kansas! (*Picture-smile face) Yea! We followed an unknown (to us) road through an unknown town (Hume) and finally landed in Rich Hill. There was some hilly terrain, too! Then we looked for "services." I bought WD-40 from Forrest Gump. We got a decent motel room and ate at a good, modest restaurant. We bought breakfast and snacks at the grocery store. In the room, we took showers, washed lots of clothes and checked out our NEW map that the motel Frau happened to have.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000