The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Winter 1998 - San Diego to Cincinnati
Journals - 11 February 1998


Day 14

11 February 1998 (4 miles north of Valle; mileage = 53.5) -- X - We had a reasonable take down, but since it's a new set-up, we didn't leave until 9:00. As promised, right away we started climbing. Up, up, up. We had to stop every once in a while to ditch clothing. The Kaibab national forest was very nice. We finally got to Williams. April did a great job in the Safeway filling up our food bag. We stopped in McD's for lunch, which was very welcome. Back out on the road, we found Route 64 and started heading north. The riding was up and down for quite a while, but no major climbs. We saw a herd of antelope out on the range and stopped to binocular them. We came to a place called Valle. Their campground was done very extensively in the Flintstones motif (Wilma's laundry, for example). They wanted $13 and showers! No thanks -- that's a Jetsons' price. So we pressed on into the wind, which was now quite irritating. We found a site at a cut in a small hill where we were out of sight. The soil here is red and sinks 2 inches when you step on it. When we unhooked the BOB, my bike somehow fell over and my mirror broke (*Picture-sad face). Our site is very nice, though, with a great view of the ranging cows. We had grilled cheese in the tent.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000