The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Journals - 4 October 1997

4 October 1997 (nice; sunny; kind of windy; mileage = 33; Seth's [Mountain View]) -- X - I woke up at around 8:30 which seemed to beat everyone. I read bike catalogs until everyone was accounted for. Then I took a shower. Both showers are in the bedrooms. After that, I had French toast and cereal prepared by Yusong. Not bad at all. Very welcome to eat a big breakfast today. Then I planned my outing today amidst constant distractions from the Power (to command attention) Ranger, Peter. I finally had everything ready and away I went. 1st I hit a bike shop in Los Altos. They had many tandems and recumbants, but no disk brakes or drums on any. They had some decent special stuff, but they were lame. The next place was also well above average (and pitifully lame). They said they had no bomber cages or equivalents. I bought 2 there ... hmmm. I also got a big green V.L. with the good specs, a derailleur guard, a tire and tube and a chain. The next place I went was Wheelsmith. This bike shop makes wheels for Nashbar. Their collection of old bikes and their affiliation with specialty stuff was impressive, but I didn't get a big urge to spend money. I did get a tear in my eye watching a video of a Euro Classic (San Marco?) for about 15 minutes. Beautiful! Then I rode on to REI. In there, I realized that I owned one or more of everything and I was the most knowledgeable person there about my stuff. I sort of forgot to buy the good-type map. On the way back, I hit a Hostess thrift store. I got a pineapple! pie. Back at the townhouse, I took a shower and hung a line in the small yard for sweaty clothes. Yusong made steak and corn and garlic bread. Very good. After dinner, I worked on Seth's and Peter's bikes (which is low-tech torture with the wrong tools!). After that semi-futile exercise, and after Peter finally went to bed (~10:30) after hearing the Power Rangers CD about 6 times, I was able to concentrate on what I was doing. I was looking at song lyrics on the I-net. Wow! Too cool. Seth and I stayed up till about 2:00 AM doing things like this: 1) checking bike shops near our old house, then making maps of how to get there; 2) checking airline ticket prices from many places; 3) in 15 minutes, Seth downloaded "Robinson Carusoe" and had his computer reading it aloud to us! Alex! Are you aware? 4) using "collective filters" to have statistically intelligent music recommendations. This is a 5-year-old idea of mine; 5) getting set up to view my AT&T card bills on the web.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000