The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Journals - 24 September 1997

24 September 1997 (cloudy on coast; sunny; hot! inland; mileage = 46.9; Hendy Woods) -- X - I got up very early and put away the B.B. as quietly as I could. I made oatmeal as the Swiss were getting up. We had a good breakfast and chatted with some of the other H/B (like the guy, Mel, from TN). He had his own card. We finally got going at about 9:30. In Ft. Bragg, I took the Swiss by Larry Spring's "shop." Then I lead the way to the bike shop and the grocery store that Carolann recommended. After I did some light shopping, I took off by myself. I had a decent ride to the Navarro River Redwood Park, where I started lunch. I had just made beans and cheese when they showed up. Good lunch. Then I lead to the Demo Forest where we wandered the trail. Afterward, I lead for the remaining miles to Hendy. At the ranger shack, I did voice mail while the Swiss went on ahead and started setting up camp. I arrived and set up and got my shower ready. I cut myself shaving in the shower since I tried to hurry since I was forced to waste another 50 cents. Now I'm at the picnic table (Swiss-style) and I'm chatting (I explored their 1st aid kit) and getting ready for dinner. A nice day compared to yesterday, especially since I didn't feel nauseated all the time and particularly at the thought of food. Eating was very helpful today!
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000