The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 16 June 1997


Day 77 - Fox Creek, Alberta

16 June 1997 (sunny; nice temp; tough head wind; mileage = 58.8) -- X - We had super intense lightning and a bit of rain last night. It scared away one set of tent campers. We were fine and packed up and left medium early ~ 6:30. Going through White Court, we noticed a Robin's Donuts and stopped for some. Then, onto the long stretch to Fox Creek. The winds came on pretty early and they were tough. It was also very hilly, being the foothills of the Rockys. We saw a deer and a really neat beaver coffer dam. When we stopped to pee, we walked back up some logging trails and the mud was like glue. Quite sticky. We also encountered some road work where the traffic flow was poorly organized. We saw the widest load ever there, too. Other than that, it was forest, hills, wind and sun. I was quite cool with the fierce wind. We had a top speed of 33 mph which was really pushing. With these descents on a still day, over 50 would have been quite doable. We finally dragged into Fox Creek around 15:00. We stopped by the tourist info place, but it wasn't very helpful. Then to Husky for food. Then a tour of the town scouting for a good spot. This is like a big truck stop with a suburb stuck to it. Not very nice of a place really. We then went to the official campground. It was $14 and coin-op showers. I don't think so. So we found a nearby site in their woods. Hope we don't get bothered, but it could happen. I had a tough day fighting the wind and I had to go to the bathroom a lot. That's not good. I hope I'm doing better tomorrow.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000