The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 10 June 1997


Day 71 - Irma, Alberta

10 June 1997 (sunny and hot; mileage = 49.1) -- A - We woke up at 3:45 because Chris heard someone (or thought he did [X - he did!]) messing with the tarp and we both heard someone cough. Very close. I had to pee anyway, so I went out to the bathroom and saw a white truck with cap sitting in front of the men's restroom. The window was down, but I didn't go closer to investigate. I assumed he'd pulled in there to sleep and had maybe walked around first. So we heard him leave a little later and went back to sleep. When we got up and uncovered the bikes, there was a magazine "Options" propped up inside the bikes. It's a magazine for bis and gays apparently, and this guy had written all these invitations inside. He even says his name and phone number. Very weird! We didn't know how he knew we were there or if it was just coincidence. Kind of creepy. We considered turning it in to the RCMP, but didn't see the office today. We did do laundry in Wainwright. We had pizza there and moved on to Irma which has a campground but no showers. We did baths. The water tastes gross everywhere, so Chris got some juice at the co-op. One gallon of water was supposedly $3.69. Yikes! We got baked by the sun today, also -- neither of us feels too great. Lack of water and overdose of sun!
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000