The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 4 June 1997


Day 65 - Bradwell, Sask.

4 June 1997 (sunny and hot; east winds! mileage = 103.8) -- A - Another 100 miler! Gee golly -- what a good day! We left the wonderful hospitality of Strasbourg pre-5 AM. There was already some wind super early but miraculously it was out of the east! But we were stuck on a northward stint for about 50 km. We knocked it off quickly using the half-hour break schedule which I like very much. We stopped at Watrous for lunch in a restaurant and new batteries for our cycle computers and some yummy bakery goods. Chris got a mincemeat pie and I got donuts. Stopped at the info center (there due to a salt water lake with a spa) and got some of their bottled water. We encountered some gravel roads but we were cranking so hard, we didn't notice them to slow us much. We stopped in Allan for some milk and a popsicle and Chris earned $5 helping a guy move a couch. It didn't seem suited to camping, so we moved on. We hit 100 miles and stopped for the obligatory picture (combined with peeing in mosquitoes). Got to this town (Bradwell) and found a yard which turned out to be absolutely packed with mosquitoes, so we threw the tent up and I killed about 15 inside the tent. Relaxing now.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000