The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 30 May 1997


Day 60 - Portal, ND

30 May 1997 (sunny; mileage = 29.6) -- A - We got up late (after 9:30!) and rode to Flaxton about 13 miles away. Chris decided it was time to change the tires on his bike, since his rear tire hernia was beginning to rub the brakes. We went to an old basketball court hoping for less mosquitoes than the park. This looked like a forgotten old town. Everything was pretty run down. We had the feeling that people were driving around the block to look at us also. I did lots of letter writing to use up soon-to-be useless stamps and Chris fixed his tires and wrote to Dave Bartholomew re our MSR stuff. He also sent the piece of tire with the hole in the sidewall to Dennis to investigate. Finally, we prepared a packet to go to Chris' grandmother. We are now in Portal awaiting the opening of the post office at 8:30 tomorrow. I had a pit stop along the way here and there were a cluster of lilac bushes. They smelled wonderful!! We had dinner in a bar/cafe and came over to the park and put the tent up amongst the mosquitoes! Chris had to look at every building in town to find water. He was gone quite some time. It's amazing how hard it is to find H2O!
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000