The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 29 May 1997


Day 59 - Bowbells, ND

29 May 1997 (sunny; cloudy; warm; mileage = 64.5) -- A - Chris got up and moved my front Goliath to the rear of my bike and put one of the new tires on the front. They seem to be working fine. Much better than the knobby tire! We were up late last night talking to Tom. We exchanged some addresses -- we gave him Craig in Minneapolis and Dennis and encouraged him to visit Cinti. He gave us some names of people in Oregon (where HP is) and the location of his school, etc. Hopefully, we'll be able to work that in on our southward trip. Once we left, we had some minor headwinds but decided to proceed into them toward Canada rather than try to avoid them. The terrain was drastically different than we've been seeing. We were in a valley surrounded by rolling, mountainy hills. We stopped to talk to some cows. They all came over to the fence and asked to have their picture taken. Up on the hills, the high school classes had made big rock formations into their grad year. We climbed up out later in the day and it was really flat up on top. Earlier in the day, we stopped for a few hours in the Carpio park which was really nice. They had some hook-ups for camping and some sports equipment -- b-ball, volleyball, etc. -- with a box holding the balls, so we could play with them! We didn't have such luck in Kenmore. They had a neat Danish windmill (the only one in America), but no camping in the park. We went on to Bowbells and had the best riding of the day. Deserted roads with neat scenery, great temp., etc! Got to this park and got swarmed by mosquitoes. WOW! I got like 15 bites on my butt alone -- OUCH!
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000