The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 29 April 1997


Day 29 - Rose Wildlife Research Area, MI

29 April 1997 (sunny; warmish; southern winds; mileage 67.8) -- A - A raccoon tried to get into our food bag which I left on the rear rack. Chris heard the tarp and some footsteps and thought it was a person. Then he saw the little critter and had a tough time shooing it away. He went and brought the food into the tent. It was around 2 AM. We got up around 5:30. I went to the bathroom and sponged off a little. We left at 6:30. We stopped at McD's in Brooklyn and had coffee and some food and discovered (via a flag outside) that the wind was coming from the SOUTH! After some very fine traveling, we stopped at a state game thingy for hunting. Chris figured from a sign there that we could camp here. Good to know! X - That place was the Dansville State Game Area. We continued our north direction enjoying the fabulous tail wind. We got to a point in a suburb of E. Lansing where we ran into nasty traffic and lots of cars. It popped out near a mall, no less. We stopped in a grocery store and stocked up. We then fled from the nasty traffic. Not too far away was Rose Wildlife Research Area. Another hunting zone. I guess they let animals go and research how long it takes for them to get shot up. We found a cemetery here and we stopped off the road for a fine meal of salads and sandwiches. While we were eating, picnic-style, a car drove into the place with two non-friendly old women. We went behind the graveyard back to the hunting grounds and found a spot that we thought would be decent to camp at. We set up the tent and stowed the food well (we hope) and now we're relaxing. Speaking of game, we saw many spronking deer (10!) last night on the way from the lake to our site. We followed at least 4 into the swamp. They should call this state the Great Swamps State. And -- this morning we saw a gang of deer in the swamp. While we were taking it easy in this very secluded spot, we heard a car drive up into the cemetery and a voice close by. A man called out to us and I poked my head out of the tent. He had a woman with him and said that he had buried his dog under a tree less than 50 feet from us. He didn't want us to use wood on the grave as fire wood. OK, whatever. Very weird.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000