The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 23 April 1997


Day 23 - Kaiser Lake S.P., OH

23 April 1997 (cool morning; cool all day with strong winds; overcast all day with a few raindrops; mileage = 41.7) -- X - Today was "supposed to be" easy. I had added up 37 miles to a state park I thought would have showers. Because of this notion we stayed in bed a bit longer to recover from yesterday until 7:45. We had a two-hour pack up, but we took our time and tried to let the fly sheet completely dry out. We rode to the bike trail and rode some of it to Yellow Springs. We kept going on it when its pavement ended. This seemed to go OK until we got to the flooded section which was about 1/2 mile of black, wet mud. The tires were great, but the riding was too hard and slow so we jumped off and rode to Enon where we were hoping for a food store. Their closest grocery store took us about 3 miles out of our way. Then we turned north for the long, straight, flat northward ride to Kaiser Lake. Headwind! Very tough. I would rate it a 5/8 or #5 (like rebar) of toughest headwind ridable. I was in 2-2 much of the time and we were averaging less than 8 mph (8.6 total average! Yuck). What a long drag that was. Unfortunately, it only gets worse heading westward. April did a good job of drafting, especially when the wind was straight on. I feel like I've just ridden up a 30-mile hill. So here we are at Kaiser's Lake and there aren't any conspicuous signs of campsites, so we've hiked the bikes down a shoreline (fisherman's) trail to a spot that seems secluded. There are small ducks doing duck things in the lake (which we are sitting by). We had quicky junk for dinner, saving our big meal for lunch tomorrow. We will set up the bivy probably tonight and try Ninja camping. A - My seat was very hard on my rear today! It was all I could do to stay planted on the seat!
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000