The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 9 April 1997


Day 9 - Trail, Adams County, OH

9 April 1997 (brrrr! very cold; mileage = check map) -- X - We slept in separate full-mummy configurations last night, cuz it be cold. The thermometer right outside the tent says 27 degrees. The frog puddle has a layer of ice on it, too. April is still lying in her sleeping bag, because she's afraid to come out into the cold. When I got up, since my clothes were out on the bike, I went out minus pants. Ooooh, cold! A - Hoping it would warm up proved to be silly. We finally started packing the bikes up to leave for Portsmouth. I believe it was around 1:15 when we left; we said good-bye to Duff's, rode down the drive, and checked out with Lil Fite, who said it's supposed to get even colder tonight. Great! I'm thinking about camping in a hotel! Things going through my mind as we started off ... "I made it for over a week! A hotel should be allowed by now. I wonder how much a beauty salon charges just to wash and dry your hair (hopefully, they wouldn't mind the rash on the back of my neck). Maybe a shower and clean clothes and a warm bed would help me be happier,' etc...." I've been very sad for the last few days. I don't know if it's because all the anticipation of the trip is over and now we're doing it now what's to look forward to? I'm afraid Chris and I may have to say farewell at the end of this trip and that thought does make me very sad and even though I try not to think of it, I do so often. I feel very grungy also. Completely unattractive -- smelly, greasy, hairy, not to mention cranky at myself for not being able to ride like I think I should be able to. I keep having to stop and rest because my legs hurt or I'm out of breath. It's so very annoying. I wanted to be really good at this and really impress Chris (and myself) but instead I'm being whiny and pathetic. However ... FUN was had TODAY! As a follow-up to crying because I was too scared to ride down a steep gravel hill, I decided to give this dirt path we rather accidentally encountered a try. It seemed rather scary at first, but after getting used to the style of riding, it was an absolute BLAST! We followed a ridge along for at least 4 or 5 miles, but hopefully we'll figure that out tomorrow. We put up the tent and had some Cream of Wheat (yummy!) for dinner. We just got all settled in the tent. It's not quite dark yet and we just heard what we think was a deer go around us. We'll probably hear a lot more noises and it's so quiet, we'll notice them!
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000