1 October 1997 (mileage = .2; Alex's) -- X - I got up (shower for me) and
the Swiss were already packing before breakfast. We ate breakfast and then
Susan and I went out to the box place where we got a box for her and I
mailed my cup and double sheet back. Susan went alone to the P.O. while I
returned to help HP pack the bikes. It was tricky (and typically annoying)
to pack these bikes, but we figured it out. While they were busy packing
other things, I read their German mags and books. Susan and I went out to
do laundry. We all ate lunch that she bought for us. Once they were packed,
we sat around chatting with Alex. Their super shuttle came and they were
off to another summer. I ate the rest of Susan's and HP's food for dinner.
I chatted with Jason, Sandy and Alex. I helped assemble and appraise
Sandy's new animation-frame-special hole punch. More chatting with Alex.
Bed time.