20 September 1997 (sunny and hot; mileage = 0; Healdsburg) -- X - I got up
medium late. I had the last of my cereal for breakfast. I set up the tarp
on the bike to practice a good rain shelter strategy for use with the bivy.
I studied German a lot today. It was hot and I was kind of tired. I did set
up and air out the N.F. tent. I mostly studied German all day, though,
which was nice. Toward evening, I spent a lot of time chatting with R&H and
then Daniel when he came over. We all went out to eat in a car -- yuck. At
least there were 4 of us in one car, but the distance was sooo short. Oh
well. When we got back, I was very disappointed to have missed a call from
the Swiss. They're in Ferndale at a perfect place for some expert-to-expert
advice. Oh well. I chatted some more and "helped" Robert with a math
problem. Time for bed (or bag!).