The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 1 June 1997


Day 62 - McTaggert, Sask.

1 June 1997 (sunny and hot; some clouds; 107 degrees was record on thermometer; mileage = 48.6) -- A - We left at 5:45 with no/mild wind. That lasted about 25 miles and then the wind started. We made it the 35 miles to Weyburn's Park and parked. They had showers! So did we! And we washed some clothes which dried instantly in the heat/wind. Did I say it was rip-roarin' wind? It was. We stayed there until about 4:15 and hit a grocery. It was Chris' turn to see the different stuff, but he didn't buy much. I had 2 sets of women ask me about our trip. On our way out of town, we saw a bunch of bikes and a guy working in a barn-thing. It was a sort of bike shop and we learned that 26-inch wheels with a fraction in the width won't fit our rims but with a decimal will. Chris was quite pleased (X - and aggravated simultaneously)! We made it to McTaggert with amazing wind and are camped in some guy's yard. The park had way-tall grass = many more mosquitoes. His yard has short grass = still too many mosquitoes. Oh well. X - Also, just before Weyburn, we stopped to rest and a guy in a truck stopped to chat. He was very friendly and interested. Most people here seem pretty cool. *We were just aboot to make dinner when Ivan (the guy who owned the lawn) asked us if we wanted to come inside for coffee (etc.) in such a way that we felt obliged. We chatted with them for a long while and got to bed kind of late. The daughter asked for our autograph! (And some places have the nerve to charge us to camp!)
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000