The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 18 May 1997


Day 48 - State Forest Near 2, WI

18 May 1997 (mileage = 49.8) -- A - We did hear a few cars stop during the night, but no noticeable problems. It rained most of the night, pretty heavily at times. We did get a dry spell to pack up during, but as we prepared to eat, it started again, so we got the tent down quickly and ducked into the tarp tent. We had to watch for puddle formations, because it was pouring rain, but we stayed dry to eat and it mostly stopped by the time we were ready to leave. We had heard the wind during the night. Chris kept thinking a critter was after the food we had in the vestibule, but it was just wind. Luckily, it wound up being in our favor for riding, which made Chris super-antsy to get riding and annoyed with delays. We did get going around 8, but stopped less than an hour later to use the phone. We checked voice mail (Chris did the new message this time!), and made calls to Chris' dad and my mom. This took quite a while, but the weather seemed like it might be clearing. We even saw a hummingbird at a feeder and were both surprised! We didn't think they'd be where it's so cold. I had even noticed the feeders earlier and chuckled to myself! Anyway, HA! to the weather clearing idea -- we made numerous stops to add and subtract rain gear! We stopped in Ashland amidst the onslaught of rain at a shelter next to the super wind-inducing Lake Superior for lunch/dinner. Then through the Bad River Indian Reservation and a bathroom stop at a store where tribal people don't pay tax on cigs. They had quite an amazing stock and lots of people were buying them! We got WI and MN maps there, but no CIGS! Riding isn't great here, narrow shoulders and Sunday traffic! We found a mountain bike trail by a very pretty lake and an OK lake and that's where we put up the tent. Chris bashed his knee with the pedal hauling the bike up a sand mountain. Oh yeah, I fell on my ass (off the bike) trying to ride over a mini-mountain. I tried again, but never did make it (Chris did). X - Notes -- Bad River Indian Res. was before Ashland. We also stoped by a weird abandoned house that had been moved when abandoned.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000