The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Spring 1997 - Cincinnati to Yukon
Journals - 10 May 1997


Day 40 - South of Lake Brevort, MI

10 May 1997 (sunny/warm; wind from west [hint of north]; mileage = 32.2) -- A - It was a really quiet night. No deer snorting, no guns, no cars, just "ocean" surf and seagulls. Quite nice! We got up with orange light coming through the tent. Good sign! It was beautiful outside! The sun was shining over the lake through the trees onto our little cliff edge. We packed up and Chris put the sticks back over the tent print -- low impact camping! It was a very quick take down also. We exited the reverse of our arrival, down to the main road around the perimeter of the island. We completed our loop, seeing Arch Rock in the process. We explored the internal roads, seeing the cemetery and the fort. We had breakfast at the highest point on the island (the fort). We saw the Grand Hotel, which requires women not in slacks and men in a coat after 6 -- even on their street! It seems this place, in general, would be capable of some grand snobbery and major money snatching at every opportunity. It is still extremely cool to see so many bikes and horses being used functionally. The trails and roads were very nice and an interesting place despite the money sucking. We ferried to St. Ignace at 11:30 and found a grocery and headed off into the wind for what seemed a very long time. Stopped at a nice roadside rest area for a big meal. After we took off again, some people (a couple) going the other way on bikes spun around to talk to us for a while. He suggested a campsite, but we found a prime residence first and Chris got us invited to camp on Bernard's lawn directly across the highway from the lake. We both bathed and feel/smell much better now. Hopefully, we'll rise early to beat the wind (although Bernard says it's to shift to come from SE at midnight). We'll see. I predict rain.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000