The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Journals - 11 June 1992



Up. It rained. Packed up. Let sun dry stuff. Wrote this. Ate CIB [Carnation Instant Breakfast Bar]. Packed stuff. Got a metal splinter. Took off. Got to Columbia River. Stopped briefly at info center. Got to bridge (HUGE!). Ah, Oregon. Stopped at Fred Meyers superstore outside of Astoria. Rode down through beach communities. Had a massive headwind. Got good Oregon maps at tourist place in Seaside. Grabbed a BigMac. Had one really big climb to cliff lookout. Tunnel bridge on climb. Ate lunch here (blueberries, ???, CIB, Cornnuts). Rode down to valley around 2 bays. Stopped just before Garibaldi for rest & snack. Down to Tallamook. Bought some Tallamook cheese & post cards at Safeway. Got on side street crossed big hill to shore. Came to campsite. Site was deep in woods. Pitched tent. Cooked dinner (chile, rolls, cheese, CIB). Started to rain a bit. Put things in tent. Did some organizing while DR took shower. Called dad, CB, mom. Took shower in the cold. Wrote. Bed. 89.55


My knees felt a little better today but my ankle is starting to swell up. We covered 89.55 miles today but the terrain was still quite hilly, even on the coast. So far Oregon is much more scenic than Washington and there are a lot more campsites here. We are hoping that the wind will soon change direction and start blowing from North to South as they are suppose to. We fought a strong headwind all day today which made making good time difficult. We started out of our campsite this morning (8:10 a.m.) About 8 miles north of Astoria. We had to cross a bridge 4 miles long to reach Astoria. There were a lot more towns along the Oregon coast than in Washington which made it easier to find food. We stopped in Seaside for tourist info and picked up several maps of the state. At around 7:00 p.m. we reached the Cape Lookout campsite where we decided to spend the night ($2). The campsite is pretty cool, it's right by the beach and you can hear the waves crashing against the shore. I would've like to spend more time here but we are already behind schedule. It's starting to get dark now so I think I'll quit writing.

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Chris X. Edwards ~ August 2000