The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Journals - 10 June 1992



Up. Took our time packing. Watched some TV. Checked out. Dennis lead us to the outskirts of town looking for a bikeshop when I knew it was right around the corner. 3 miles out of the way. Stopped at ??? bikeshop. Bought cable houseings and lock. Rode across bridge to Aberdeen. Bought food. Ate yogurt & OJ & cookies. Hit some serious hills on way to Raymond (up to 2.5mi up). Raymond was big on oysters. So was South Bend. Flat on this river and we made good time here. Very dull (swampy) by bay. Couldn't see much. Ate in a tree ranch. Had a can of fruit, cookies, chocolate. Lunch was kind of late 4:00pm @ 50mi. Dennis was draggin on some nice flat road. Got water at Naselle hangout. Kept going. Not much traffic. Found a cool site (lots of mosis) that overlooked Columbia and Oregon. Set up tent. Jumped in. Went to lengths to prepare chile (CE) & noodles (DR). It was getting dark. Bed. 77


We woke up late today (about 8:30 a.m.) and spent some time in a bike shop in Aberdeen to replace one of my shifter cables. After shopping for food at a Thriftway we finally left Aberdeen at 11:00 a.m.. My knees were really hurting all day long and I'm hoping that they won't be totally useless tommorrow. My ankle was also giving me problems, but we still managed to log in 77 miles. The terrain was pretty hilly and somewhat boring but at least we didn't get rained on. If my knees don't start feeling better I'm not sure I'll finish.

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Chris X. Edwards ~ August 2000